Friday, March 31, 2006

Virtual Me

I had noticed these virtual pictures on other peoples sites, but it has taken me a while to work out how to do them! Had lots of fun though, especially as I keep wondering what size I will look like etc...
that being said, the "fat" one still has a flat tummy? As if!! I've only been able to SEE my belly button the last 6 kilos or so. Maybe its genetic, I look at Fiona on the biggest loser and I have no idea why she has the tummy she has, because I can't remember very well a time when I felt like I didn't have rolls...
I remember feeling fat when I was a (younger) teenager and competitively swimming and dancing. Looking back now, I can see I was tiny, but I felt fat. Probably all the muscle, cos I weighed more than a lot of my friends, but was probably smaller. I guess I needed to get that out, because I want to be happy with my body, and I think my body image is probably already much better than it was back then!
hmmm... New resolution, as part of getting into the 60's, I'm going to get my fat before photos scanned so I can put them on here. I wanna do the comparison for real!
I am rambling a bit today, but I feel the need to. I have had a temperature and major pounding headache and awful throat, and so now that the fever has broken I've started thinking again... So I feel the need to just record my feelings etc. I also have weigh-in tomorrow, and have no idea what to expect, because of going away unexpectedly mid-week, and being unwell again. But I am not going to stress about it, I'm just going to do my best and keep on track, and have faith that everything will fall into place. Thinking at this rate I'll have to throw a party to celebrate getting into the 60's, because it's becoming quite a battle! :)

1 comment:

Jessie said...

Hey Rae,
Looking oh so grand!
Congrats, you can really notice the changes - you should be so proud!

How do you make your own virtual people? I'd like to do it too....

Keep up the hard work.

I have a healthy BMI!! WOOT! WWGW of 65kgs acheived Sept 2009.

On the way to the 50's...