Tuesday, March 14, 2006

My Challenge- Tuesday

I am so proud of myself today! I went for my swim event though I could have happily gone back to sleep, but I had organized it with a friend, and that was got both of us there! So that was great, I found it hard because I haven't been swimming as much as I used to - I've been using my exercise bike more, and now I think I am too used to that as exercise. So I pushed myself along and did 1.5 km in 30min, which I feel is a good start. AND I'm going for another swim with some WW buddies this arvo, so double the workout for today!
I got to look after a whole room full of little kiddies today, and I loved it. They were all quite good too, not like last week, where I turned up and it seemed everyone was crying or screaming! Anyway I enjoy it, and I also resisted the home-made choc chip bikkies that were there for the taking, feeling very good about that! I came home to my nice no count lunch instead!

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I have a healthy BMI!! WOOT! WWGW of 65kgs acheived Sept 2009.

On the way to the 50's...