Monday, March 13, 2006

First week of my challenge - Monday

Well I had a pretty good start to my challenge, over the weekend I had a former housemates 21st which was great, and even better by the fact that I didn't eat the chocolate mudcake, and I only had pepsi max and water to drink, so I'm pretty happy with myself! I got some exercise in, and even planned an extra swim with a friend of mine for tomorrow, yay!
Today was a really horrible start to a day, as a uni student I don't work heaps, so I spent all morning trying to work out with centrelink if I could get a health care card and I still didn't have it by the time I saw the doctors and I get really stressed by doctors, so by this time I was a little teary. BUT, instead of doing what I felt like doing, which is eating all sorts of comfort food, I had a banana, some water and some rice wheels, and felt a whole lot better for it! So YAY for me, I'm feeling good! I'm going to go ride my bike for my 40 minutes right now, and then enjoy a yummy no count lunch! And I'm de-stressed by reading the WW Boards to, so I'm ready to face uni and work and the rest of my day! :)

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I have a healthy BMI!! WOOT! WWGW of 65kgs acheived Sept 2009.

On the way to the 50's...