Friday, May 05, 2006

Team: Sexy Arms! NEW push-ups I've learned...

While I was away my Mum and I did 4, count them 4, PUMP classes in the space of 8 days. Are you proud of me? I am! Anyway, I learnt a lot in these classes, here are some of the things I learnt:
1. I REALLY need to keep doing weight training exercise more regularly than I have been.
SO, I have joined Curves and am looking forward to going!
2. I may have come a long way with push-ups, but I have a lot further that I can go!
SO, I am going to keep pushing myself, and I'm going to get back into my everyday habit of doing them!
3. That there are more ways of doing push-ups, and that is what I am going to share right now!

Tricep Push-ups

Variety One
Put your hand underneath you with the index and thumbs forming a DIAMOND shape, and keep the rest of your fingers together. Your elbow should be sticking out the sides (think: chicken wings!). Either raise to toes or knees, then dip down and up like a regular push-up, and you should feel it down the backs of your arms.

Variety Two
in push-up position, bring your elbows in to your sides, with your hands directly below you shoulders. Your upper arms should be tight into you body. On knees or toes, slowly dip and up. To make it harder (which i definitely don't yet!), lean forward slightly so you are further out over your hands.

Try starting with 5 of each, and work your way up.
If you do then all on knees to start with, then try and introduce some toe ones, and over time increase the amount of toe ones you do, until one day you find you do them all on your toes! HURRAH! :)

Cardio Push-ups

Not sure what to call these, but I thought this was a rather appropriate name!

For this one, you will need to grab a phone book or some other raised and steady object of about 10cm high.
Put the Phone Book in front of you and get ready for a push-up (knees or toes), but have left hand on the phone book and the other hand on the floor. Push down and up, then switch so that your right hand is on the book and left is on the floor (just move your weight around on your arms, don't move your knees/feet. They should just swivel!). Go down and up and then switch again. Do these fast but steady, and they will definitely get your heartrate up as well as working out those muscles! GO GO GO!

When I do these I kind of switch of my brain and say "down, up, SWITCH, down, up, SWITCH, down, up, SWITCH!" There isn't room for any other thoughts!
Set yourself a goal, so to do 20, and keep repeating it is your head and your body will follow!
Make sure you remember to do these after your workout so you are all warmed up already!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Thanks rae will get on the floor right now and try to do the tricep push ups not sure to much about the cardio ones....will try them later ..thanks Rae we are goign to have the best arms..go go go...teeeeeaaammmmmm sexy arms..
Berrie xx

I have a healthy BMI!! WOOT! WWGW of 65kgs acheived Sept 2009.

On the way to the 50's...