Saturday, July 29, 2006


People keep saying to me about how much smaller I am, and how I'm there already and looking great etc, but I am not there, and I am determined to get there! And even though over the last few months my weight has stayed around the same (or gone up slightly), my measurements are going down still, so I keep getting these comments.

But I am going to ignore them, and I'm going to make GOOD headway on my get to goal plan!
I filled out the weekly card from this week on my journey to goal, and it's stuck on the wall. I'm planning to get back into walking again this week, especially as I am going to be in Canberra for a bit and not able to get to Curves.

Speaking of which, I AM SO TIRED! I got a call on Thursday arvo for an interview in Canberra on Friday, so drove down in the morning, had the interview, where I was for about 4-5 hours, and then drove back in the evening, then saw friends for a very late dinner. It was really good, and I'd LOVE the job, I had a fantastic time, but as I had to get up and be at the WW meeting at 7:30 this morning to set up, I am just exhausted. I still went to curves though too... So I feel good and positive, but am tired!

Anyway, I hear about the job on tues, and it's immediate start, so I might have to go down sooner than expected if I get it!
Oh such a hectic life I have!

At least I get to see people at our birthday/farewell party next weekend, I'm so excited about that! Right now though, I think it is time for a nap! :)


beebeejaybee said...

Happy B'day for when it was (I'm sure I missed it ) keep up the good work you'll get there eventually and best wishes for the job too

jen said...

Welllll things are really moving for you girl and so will that last little bit...nearly there, YOU will do it!!!
And noooooooooo DON'T listen to those that have "you have lost enough" "you look good as you are"
You know what you are doing, go DO IT!! I hate those comments, I hear them all the time now.
Good luck with the job interview and ohhhh waiting to see how the dresses look.

Lisa said...

I am sooo with you on this one. I'm sick of the flabbergasted looks when I say I have 6 kgs to go.
"You can't possibly lose that - you look great now" etc etc
Who wants to do all this work and not end up within a healthy BMI, and still be in the overweight range?
Not me for sure - you go get your prize Rae, I'll be cheering you on from the sidelines!

kristy said...

hi rae! haven't been on for quite a while, but i've had a peek at your blog and you look like you've had a lovely past couple months... all the best for the move, and congratulations on the weight loss! you're looking great!

Anonymous said...

whee i am glad u took pics of the pressies i sent you! mwah luv yah babe xxx

I have a healthy BMI!! WOOT! WWGW of 65kgs acheived Sept 2009.

On the way to the 50's...