Monday, July 03, 2006

My second Curves month!

Doesn't time fly! I feel like I only just reported my first month and I've just measured in for my second month! Maybe I am feeling like this as I have been sick for half the month... Oh gosh, this means my birthday is almost here too! ARGH!!

Anyway, I really didn't want to go weigh and measure today, as I really didn't want to see those scales go up (which they did but it's not like I would have lost that 1.8 in two days...), but I went anyway.

and I've lost another 7 cms!

I feel very happy with that, and actually the weight wasn't that bad either... Over the month I still think I've lost. And the cm's go to show much better anyway, and explain why I haven't felt like I have gained.

So it's all good.

It felt so good to be back into Curves and exercising today, oh so good. I haven't had to use my puffer at all today, and that's an achievement in itself!

Emotionally though I really want comfort food right now... My best friend has now officially moved to New Zealand, and I am going to miss her so much! We have been flat out over the last week, with traveling up and down and moving stuff and cleaning, and yesterday was the farewell, and dedication (see picture, and the white dress stayed white!), and I think I am just going to have to get better about writing and replying to emails, as I don't think our phone can even do international calls!

I have had such a busy, hectic, full day, so this post is really all over the place.

I got a whole heap of compliments of how much I have lost tonight though, from people I haven't seen in a while. Actually was rather interesting, cos it was work related, and then they announced that they are going to run a biggest loser competition with everyone... I want to know if I can back-date mine, cos I'm close to the smallest now! tehehe :)
Narh, I still have my kilos to lose, have to get to goal!!

I'm going to stop rambling and take myself to bed, goodnight! Sleep tight! *grin*


Mel said...

Good on you Rae, congrats on the 7cm, it all adds up in the long run doesn't it! Now you just have to wait and see how the weight goes!!
Have fun this month at Curves,

jen said...

awwwwwwww Rae, >>>HUGS<<<< to ya ... your best friend won't be too far away, always just a phone call or a email away and forever in ya thoughts.
Congrats on you 7 cms....wowwwwwww you are getting so tiny!!!!! Go girl, go!!!!

mwahhhhhh Jen

Ails said...

Congrats on the 7cms Rae - something to be really proud of. You have done so well :) And what an achievement not needed your puffer. That is such a fantastic measure of how much fitter you are becoming. Enjoy these little victories - goes to show weight loss is not just about what the scales say!

Margaret said...

Well done on that cm loss Rae - that is fantastic. Your hard work is really paying off.

I am sorry that your friend has moved away. I sure know how that feels. At least you are a lot fitter now so those marathon phone calls won't take it out of you :D

Carol said...

Wow Rae 7cms - thats great! Your efforts are being rewarded.

Its sad when friends move away, there is a bright side, you have somewhere else to visit for holidays.

Berrie said...

Hey Raewell done on loosing another 7cm from all over wow that is fantastic Skinny girl and as for your best friend moving away ohhhhhh that is sad but you can always visit and have somewhere great to stay at the same is not the distance between is the love you have that will keep you friends for life..
Berrie :)

Jessie said...

awesome stuff Rae!!!!

Keep up the great work, best of the luck for your 3rd month at Curves



I have a healthy BMI!! WOOT! WWGW of 65kgs acheived Sept 2009.

On the way to the 50's...