Thursday, July 27, 2006

I'm BACK!!!! :)

The computer is fixed, and it's wonderful!! YAY!!!

For those that were not aware, my computer died. REALLY died. But luckily I have a computer GENIUS for a friend, and she got new part and reformatted and everything, and now not only is it working again, but it's upgraded!! :)
It's very exciting, now I have all these programs to play with, like adobe acrobat... Never got that to work before.... :P

So much to catch up on!

Firstly, a HUGE thank you for all the birthday wishes, I had a lovely day, and even got to go shopping and got 2 (count them TWO!) new dresses!!!! I'll put pics of one, but the other you'll have to wait cos it's for our big birthday/farewell bash that we are having before we ship out. :) So under wraps til then.... *grin*

oh, and questions....
Jessie, I made my top pics on paint and just pasted into the HTML code, after being inspired by BeeBeeJayBee (go have a look, very good!)

and yes Lisa, I suddenly seem so much closer to goal. This reason being as I got heighted again at doctors and once again was completely different, so I decided to conduct an experiment. I heighted myself all throughout the day, and found to my utter horror that I shrink around 7 cms EVERY DAY!! ARGH! So I decided to take my original height at WW (and is what is still on my card anyway) of 161cm, giving me a goal of 65kilos. Actually, when I first wake up and my spine (I have scholiosos) is all stretched out, I'm 162.5cms, so am actually heaps taller than I thought I am! By the end of the day though I am around 155.5... not good at all. Then if my hubby cracks/stretches my back I grow another cm...

ok, so that's the rant about my height... Hope no one fell asleep! :) the very fact I shrink 3cms in the first 3hours after I get up, is just plain depressing! ARGH! Anyway, my point somewhere in here is that I was just writing about it and changing everything when the computer died, so that's why things just changed with no explanation. :)

Oh, and as for my studying, that is going on hold, however I'm looking into attending Uni in Canberra next year. Right now, for our family, and for my Hubby's sake, we need to move, and so my priorities are on health and relationships first, getting the degree finished, not so important. :)
I am actually really excited at the prospect of just working for a while, it is really appealing right now! :)

Anyway, enough for now... Though I'll try and put more pics up over the next few days! cos I love pics!


Lisa said...

Rae - you're back I'VE MISSED YOU!!!
You really are my little rae of sunshine (that's how I've got your blog saved in my favourites) and its been so depressing checking in regularly and seeing that your computer must still be down.
Its lifted my day to know you are back!

beebeejaybee said...

yaaaay WB Rae! It's good to have friends who know computers

I have a healthy BMI!! WOOT! WWGW of 65kgs acheived Sept 2009.

On the way to the 50's...