Wednesday, April 05, 2006

How to... Put your stats in side bar :)

It took me a while to work this one out, cos I had seen them on other people's site, but am not very computer literate. However I am very stubborn, so kept going until I got it figured out! I found out that if you go to the view' menu, and click source', then you can see what other the site is made from (I know it has a fancy word... Is HTML right?).
So while on my page, get the source for it, and scroll down (about 3/4) you will see a block of text about my stats. They are pretty hard to miss, cos they are the only real 'Block' in there.
If you cut and paste the whole stats section into your own source, then you get them too!
So when you have logged into blogger dashboard, click on TEMPLATE, then scroll down until near the end (you have to go past the whole content section) and you will get to the profile content part, under where it says end profile, then put this in. With your stats though, of course! Then click PREVIEW to check it is right before you save anything!
If you get stuck, just look at where they are on my source and try and put them in the same spot on yours and it should work out.
I tried to put the whole thing on here so you could just cut and paste it, but blogger is too smart, and keeps converting it to real stats... And I don't know how to stop it!

For the photo on the profile, you have to get a web posting. I know it recommends one on blogger, picasa or something, but that wouldn't work for me. Someone told me about, you can put your photos onto the web to use easily,and you can use them for profile. Its free sign-up, so even easier!

For everyone who likes my bellydancing costume, thank you! I made it myself! The pants in particular are very simple, if anyone wants the 'pattern' (cos I really just made it up so I am not sure it counts as a pattern!), just let me know!

p.s the smiley face does not relate to anything in particular, I just felt like it!


Margaret said...

It is always great to read someone who shares their little bits of knowledge as they go along. I use the View Source often and whilst it does not work on all blogs, it works on many and is the way that I have learnt the majority of code on my page. Also I am a big fan of photobucket.

Well done Rae.
Hope you have a great weekend :D

Leighanne said...

Thanks for all those tips - it gets really confusing sometimes:)

I love the information on the push ups - I really need to do something about my arms, they would have to be the part of my body I hate the most!!

Have a great weekend:)

I have a healthy BMI!! WOOT! WWGW of 65kgs acheived Sept 2009.

On the way to the 50's...