Thursday, August 17, 2006

I've been Tagged!

I've been got... I feel like the donkey in pin the tail on the...

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Anyway, so here goes! It's seriously going to be the first things into my head cos it's late, so I have no idea what I will say!

Firstly, here are - THE RULES: The player of this game starts with "5 weird things/habits about yourself ". In the end you need to choose 5 people to be tagged and list their name's people who get tagged need to write a blog about their 5 weird things/habits, as well as state this rule clearly, then tag 5 more victims. Don't forget to leave your victim a comment that says "you're tagged!" in their comments and tell them to read your blog:

Weirdness No 1: I am allergic to Flaxseed. You know, Linseed. I come out in hives. Have you heard of a sillier thing to be allergic to?!? Seriously, ALL the breads (at least all the good grainy ones that I like...) have linseed in it! And when I told the doctor about it her comment was "no one is allergic to Linseed!" So I showed her the hives and she believes me. But seriously, it's a weird thing. :)

Weirdness No 2: I owned my first pair of Ug boots at the age of 20. I had been making subtle, followed by not so subtle, followed by really not related to subtle at all hints to everyone about the gift possibilities FOR YEARS, but it was friend, who later became my boyfriend, who is now my husband who finally got me a pair of Ug boots for my 20th birthday. How sad is that! Maybe I married him for his Ug boot buying capabilities? *cheeky grin*

Weirdness No 3: I still get asked for I.D, yet when I'm out with my Mum, people have mistaken us for sisters, or at least thought Mum wasn't old enough to be my mother. How does that figure?

Weirdness No 4: While I am thinking of mum, I take after dad in most physical features (colouring etc), but Mum and I both sound very similar on the phone, and almost identical when answering the phone. This means I have had some very interesting conversations with mum's friends who haven't let me breathe and butt in long enough to tell them that I will hand them over to Mum. Actually, I have freaked out quite a few people in the 3 days I have been back here, especially since some people I don't think even knew she has a daughter... :)

Weirdness No 5: ooo, I am stretching it, I need to think of one more thing...
Does my phobia of elevators count? I loathe the things, I lose my stomach everytime and don't find it again for ages. I especially hate buildings that only have elevators, and alarm the fire escape stairs. grrrrr...


kristy said...

ooh, wow, ive been tagged. glad to hear you sound in good spirits, rae. Thats a funny thing about being asked for id- and it's so annoying when people sound just like their family/housemate when they answer the phone! Oh yes, I have been caught out a few times... Well, must choof off, back to uni for an illustration class. Finding it hard to keep the motivation up as all I want to do is socialise and see my beautiful friends... and have coffee and chats :( ! It's my third year now so i gotta get the act together! Good luck with your 'modelling' next week, rae! Can't wait to hear your thoughts. Cheers, K

Leighanne said...

Glad the move went well - hope you find your own place really soon!!

Can't wait to hear how the shoot goes:)

kristy said...

*grumbles* cmon rae tell us about the shoot! I want photos! hahhaahaha... hope it all went well :) x Kristy

I have a healthy BMI!! WOOT! WWGW of 65kgs acheived Sept 2009.

On the way to the 50's...