Monday, February 13, 2006

Rae101: History Lesson :)

History Lesson: Rae101
The old me.
Let me tell you a little about her... are you ready? settle back while i tell you a story...

Once apon a time, there was a little girl who loved life, and sport and never felt the cold. She could always be found outside playing soccer with the boys while all the mothers worried themselves sick over her lack of adequete clothing, but she didn't mind, she loved playing.
A day came when her beloved soccer held no joy for her anymore. What was she to do? She couldn't play soccer with a bad ankle injury. But she then discovered a secret part of her. An amphibious part of her. A part of her that when she got into the water, made her feel like she could fly. So thats she did. With the glorious feeling, it was no drama to get up at 5 to go to training, or eat toast in the chlorine filled air before school. It was even ok in that freezing time before summer fully hits and the outdoor pool was back in use. No, it was all great, because she was a girl in love, in love with water.
There comes a time in all girls live's howevr, that can really change everything we thought we ever knew. Its called puberty. And it really did a number on this little girl. So much so that she found herself no longer an active little girl, but a bored, sick bundle of hormones, and she turned to the age old comfort of her friend food. And so she changed. She was still little - in the height department- but not so little anywhere else. If fact, she found that she was a fact, quite a big girl.

But sunshine can always be found, so although there have been struggles where months have gone to years as illness after illnesss kept giving her excuse as to why she shouldn't bother to change, the sun has come bright with a new Rae of sunshine, a decidedly lighter Rae.

and things can only get better! :)

***Coming soon!***
Rae201: current events! My journey with weight watchers, also hear about my amazing mum who not only lost 35kilos, but has kept it off, and what she is doing now that makes me so proud of her!


Jenny Schimak said...

Dear Raeanne,
Just dropped in on your blog, from the address you left in the WW forum. Good luck with your journey and I look forward to reading about you along the way.

Anonymous said...

Great story, sounds familiar as that's pretty much what happened to me! I'm looking forward to seeing your blog grow! :o)

Anonymous said...

Raeanne you should be very proud of yourself, you have done well and I wish you all the best with your journey and look forward to following you on it.

Anonymous said...

Goodluck with it

stevierose said...

hi rae
wow what a fantastic loss!
i can see it in your latest pic, you look fabulous
look forward to seeing your progress

I have a healthy BMI!! WOOT! WWGW of 65kgs acheived Sept 2009.

On the way to the 50's...