Ah-harh, success at last! Ignore the fact that these photos were taken at about midnight (never a good time for me to be awake still) but these are the most recent photos of me, so they will do! and I really did have fun with the mask!
I think I might have to do another belly shot though, I am still getting everyone telling me how small I am, but I am very proud of my belly, I think it is doing fine! :)
Sorry it has been a while, I haven't had my own access to the computer (but I do now, YAY!), and I STILL have morning sickness! Can you believe it?! So I'm sorry to say I'm off work, and completely bored. To add insult to injury, I have SPD, basically my pelvis has separated and it's really painful, and makes my hips and back exceedingly painful too. So I am now wearing a brace full-time til the end, and have been told no walking, restrict movement etc, so basically makes for a very bored Rae!
Enough whinging! As you can tell, I'm not exactly enjoying pregnancy... But I am really happy and excited about being pregnant, so it's all good! We are getting things together bit by bit, and being spoilt just a little bit too, my Mum came to visit us from Perth for a few days, and while she was here she bought us the capsule and the stroller that we wanted! Duane's Mum is having fun making all sorts of things for us too, and I'm trying to stop myself from buying too much stuff on eBay with all my free time! *grin* On a very exciting note, we got ourselves a Kitty! and we are loving having her as company! Her name is Sorcha (Sora) and she is exceedingly playful, but very cuddly too, so she is great to have around! I just hope she doesn't mind when the baby comes... I have been getting some kind of a life lately though, each weekend for about 6 weekends we have events on, and all of them involve travelling! Last weekend we were at a Masquerade party in Wagga, the weekend before we where in Nowra, and it has been wonderful being able to catch up with friends! This weekend we are in Sydney for an engagement party which I am looking forward to so much! So that's very exciting!
Well as blogger has decided it won't let me put anymore photos on here, I'll try again later, cos I had fun making my mask and I like showing off anything interesting at the moment! *grin*